
Growing up my mom would always keep a huge bowl of cubed watermelon in the fridge during the summer and I would go through it like……. well, WATER. Honestly, I could it eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner during the warmer months.The only daunting thing about it all was cutting it. My mom used to pull out a giant plastic bag, like three trays and two knives to accomplish the task and spent forever separating the melon from the rind as best she could… and seeing as I was gorging myself on the stuff she had to do it bi-weekly I’m sure. Amazing lady.

So, when I became a grown-up and it was up to ME to cut the watermelon I kind of panicked. How the HECK am I going to be able to keep up with my watermelon-eating-contest-like pace?? And I figured it out. I know it might seem simple, but I’ve been surprised by the amount of people this tip has helped, so I’m sharing it. If you already know it, or have a method that works for you, ignore this but this is (to me) the most efficient way to get as much of the pink from the white and green.

You will need: 

1 Watermelon

1 long, thin knife

A bowl

First put it under your shirt and pretend that it’s your baby. Jk, jk I’m a nerd.

Seriously, start by cutting off the top and bottom of your watermelon, leaving a flat surface for the melon to stand on.

Next, using your knife, and moving with the shape of the melon, slice just between the hard rind and the soft flesh leaving as little pink on the rind as possible.

Continue rotating your melon and slicing the rind off, cutting any excess white off as you go. (I throw the rinds onto a plate and toss them in the trash at the end).

Until you have a beautiful naked little watermelon!

Cut it in half.

And get to slicing and cubing it!

I think half of the watermelon actually makes it into the bowl.

And you’re done! I got all this watermelon for less than four buckaroos.