The title of this post says it all. I really would be (and am when I run out) lost without this stuff. It’s called “Jane’s Krazy Mixed Up Salt” and it is basically a seasoned salt. I can’t explain, though, how different it is from any other seasoned salt I’ve ever tried. I use it on EVERYTHING. Really, anywhere I use salt, I use this instead… It’s actually kind of weird that I own basic table salt at all…
And this is saying A LOT (of a pre-mixed seasoning) coming from the girl who likes to make most things from scratch.
The only catch is that I have trouble finding it in Brick & Mortars these days. The only grocery store I have seen it in during the past 4 years or so is Stater Bros… YEAH thats the only one. I usually make a trip over to the nearest one and swipe their entire inventory, soooooo if you live by me you might be S.O.L. They DO have a site: though and Amazon sells it…
Anyway you have to try it… and it may seem simple at first taste, but just wait for the moment that you run out and switch back to regular salt. Then you’ll know, oh boy will you know.
Although it’s amazing on everything and anything: soups, meats, roasted veggies etc…I have found that it really SHINES when sprinkled on eggs… crazy I know, but it’s true. I think the simple flavor of the little breakfast buddies helps showcase all of the different flavors hiding in the mix.
She’s a keeper, this miss Jane.