My husband and I celebrated Valentine’s Day early this year because Nike called him to Portland for the actual day BUT it was awesome and HE COOKED (this happens once every 4 years people). Anyway, since he was cooking (and this is a difficult feat for my love) I told him I’d do the cocktails…. This drink is crazy simple but it’s pink and not too sweet so it pleases everyone! Not to mention the fact that the ice cubes make it extra Valentine’s Dayish, it’sssss pretty fun.
You will need:
1 grapefruit
3 Tbs coarse salt (sea salt can be tough because of the amount of moisture it contains, so if you can, use kosher)
1 tsp sugar
Cranberry juice
Grapefruit juice (I urge you to buy fresh grapefruit juice… not the fake ruby red stuff)
Vodka (I strongly recommend my GRAPEFRUIT & BASIL INFUSED VODKA if you have the chance to throw it together)
First, take care of the ice. I found cheap heart-shaped trays at Michaels (but I’m pretty sure Target may even have them in the $1 section). Pour your cranberry juice in your trays and place in freezer.
Next, get your salt goin. Mix together salt and sugar in a small bowl, and zest about 2 tsp of grapefruit into the mix. Stir to incorporate, pour onto a plate, and set aside. **(You can do this step a day or two ahead along with the ice cubes if you’d like, just leave it out in a cool dry place, uncovered)
Once your cubes have frozen and your salt is done, its time to make your drinks!
Slice your grapefruit into wedges. Rub one of your wedges around the rim of a short tumbler and set upside down on the salt mixture. Rotate glass until salt adheres to the rim, being careful not to get too much salt on the rim as it may become a little too….. you guessed it…. SALTY. (mine may or may not have had slightly too much… just sayin’)
Add your super bitchin’ ice cubes… About 3-4 will do.
For the cocktail itself, you’re going to want about a 3 to 1 ratio of juice to vodka (or however strong you like your drinks). Stir and serve!
And here, my friends, is my crazy hot husband cooking for me in our kitchen. Gahh I love him. HAPPY HEART DAY FRIENDS!