There are a lot of old wives tales out there when it comes to tearing up while cutting an onion. Here is one that ACTUALLY works.
I’m going to start with a little science:
Basically, a chemical reaction happens when you cut into the cell walls of an onion. As the cell wall is cut, certain enzymes are released creating something called Propanethial S-oxide. As this Propanethial S-oxide evaporates and reaches your eyes, it makes them water.
Heres the solution:
Store your onions in the refrigerator instead of at room temperature. A COLD onion means that the Propanethial S-oxide will be slower to form and evaporate and, therefore, slower to reach your eyes.
This does mean, however, that you need to cut these in a timely fashion. The warmer the onion gets the more likely it is that the chemical will evaporate more quickly. Also, DO NOT freeze fresh onions… you will end up with a bunch of mush once they thaw.